All tagged mental health awareness

Asking For A Friend

Take yourself back to kindergarten or first grade. It's the first day of class, you're in the outfit you so proudly picked out for yourself (or your parent picked out for you), and you're full of excitement and nervousness. During playtime, you go up to another student in the classroom and joyfully ask, "Can we be friends?".

An Open Letter to the People Who Make Me Stronger

“Most days as I drove to school, I felt this tight knot in my stomach, not because of a test, project or paper, but because I wasn’t comfortable at school and was so nervous about what the day would bring.”

I was challenged by my coach to come up with answers to, “Who are you?” and “What is your personal message?”. Encompassed throughout my reflection, ‘An Open Letter to the People Who Make Me Stronger’, are my thoughts about why I am the person that I am today and the mission statement that I strive to live out daily.